Year Group Curriculum Maps

Click here to find the content of our school curriculum in each academic year for every subject:

The EY curriculum is planned with the children to follow their ideas and interests and therefore it is impossible to publish it in the same way.  Further details can be obtained by contacting Emma Phillips, EY leader via the school office on 01444 415264 or

Year groups curriculum maps are currently being updated (March 2022)

In the meantime, parents and carers can find out more about the curriculum our school is following by talking directly to their child's class teacher.

Members of the public can find out more about the curriculum our school is following by talking to one of the academy's leadership team.  They can be contacted via the school office on 01444 415264 or

Year Group Curriculum Maps

Click here to find the content of our school curriculum in each academic year for every subject:

The EY curriculum is planned with the children to follow their ideas and interests and therefore it is impossible to publish it in the same way.  Further details can be obtained by contacting Emma Phillips, EY leader via the school office on 01444 415264 or

Year groups curriculum maps are currently being updated (March 2022)

In the meantime, parents and carers can find out more about the curriculum our school is following by talking directly to their child's class teacher.

Members of the public can find out more about the curriculum our school is following by talking to one of the academy's leadership team.  They can be contacted via the school office on 01444 415264 or