Alongside Read Write Inc (our approach to Phonics), we also support the children’s comprehension of a text by sharing quality books daily as a class and individually. In this way, we promote well-rounded, successful and passionate readers. Our classroom environments are full of quality texts, stories and non-fiction books for children to access at all times.
At WPPA we believe in the importance of reading for pleasure and how stories and books can engage children in all aspects of their learning. In Reception we invite parents to come in twice a week to join us for story time at the end of the day, giving families the opportunity to listen to a story with their child in their classroom environment. We encourage reading at home by use of the school library and in children have home reading records and individual reading books.
Familiar stories and nursery rhymes also play an important part in how your children learn to read; they help children learn new vocabulary, improve their memory and enhance their communication skills. Research shows that if a child knows 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8. At WPPA we regularly sing and read familiar rhymes. Below is a link to some of our favourites!
Nursery rhymes -